
Hello, my name is Budi. I'm a PHPJavascript  web developer based in Bali, Indonesia.

I started as web developer with PHP from scratch and now ended up with Laravel as my choice of framework. I work mostly on backend-related stuffs like REST API and admin panels, also 3rd-party service integration like payment gateway or digital product purchases.

Recently, I am leaning more towards frontend with Javascript and UI/UX design (like a hobby because I love drawing since I was a kid). For freelance/sidejob I do the design myself which really help as exercise.

And...below are the tools I use on daily basis as a developer.


I've been using PHP since high school that I feel like I'm evolving together with the language itself. From functional to OOP and from less to more strict typing system. A Laravel user since v4 and still has a lot to learn from the framework everyday.


In my early days, I can say I wasn't a fan of Javascript. But ever since I code more admin panels which require SPA-like behaviour, I started loving it somehow. JQuery was the first javascript library that I actually use and now I'm stuck with React and Vue.

DB & Caching

My transactional DB experience is mostly with MySQL. It is stable enough and works perfectly fine. For full-text search DB, all I ever use is ElasticSearch.
When it comes to caching and queueing system, my experience are with Redis and beanstalkd  respectively.


Docker becomes one of my main dev tool because I switch devices/OSes (OSX and Linux) often and need a consistent dev environment between them. I also use Docker in my prod VPS to host multiple apps with nginx reverse-proxy.


I use Figma  to design my own projects because it is a web-based app, it is fast, simple, and has a large community. It also support basic prototyping function which helps making the design interactive. For bitmap editing/drawing I use Procreate  on my iPad.